Running a campaign event
Running a campaign stall on the shop floor
This is a great way to engage with the public and spread the message for people to keep their cool.
The first step is to talk with your store manager about where and when to hold the stall. After that you’ll need to order materials in plenty of time to make sure they arrive for the event and organise for people to staff the stall. Don’t forget to promote the campaign on your Union noticeboard if you have one.
If you haven’t done a stall before you might want to contact your Area Organiser through your local office on 0800 030 80 30 for advice.
Order your materials
Talking to colleagues
Whilst it is fantastic to engage with the public, it is also important that we get the message across to retail workers that abuse is not part of the job. A colleague event can be as big or small as you feel comfortable with. You could run a campaign stall in the staff room/canteen or spend a couple of hours talking to colleagues while they’re in work.
The first step is to talk with your store manager about when to hold the event and how best to promote the message. Try and agree a day and time when there will be plenty of your colleagues around for you to talk to about the campaign.
Don’t forget to promote the campaign stall on your Union noticeboard if you have one. If you haven’t run a campaign before you might want to contact your Area Organiser through your local office on 0800 030 80 30 for advice.
Order your materials
Noticeboard campaign display
If you are not able to commit time to the campaign, but still want to get the message across to members in your store, you can cover the Union noticeboard in your store with campaign information – just for the week.
This is a great way to run a visible campaign if you are not able to commit time-wise. If you think this may be the best option for you, please tick the enclosed order form for a ‘Noticeboard Pack’ and we will send you a pack of materials to enable you to quickly and easily take part.
Order your materials