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Usdaw secures agreement with Tesco Bank on ‘cost of living’ pay increase

Usdaw has welcomed Tesco Bank agreement to a £1,250 pay increase (on a full-time equivalent basis) for over 3,400 staff, to help with the increased cost of living.

19 January 2023

0 min read

Over 90% of the bank’s workforce, those who are likely to be feeling the greatest impact from current cost of living challenges, are eligible for the increase which was effective from 8 January 2023.

The uplift to salaries, which followed discussions between Tesco Bank and Usdaw, is in addition to the bank’s annual pay review which will follow in May 2023 as normal and will see further uplifts in pay for the majority of employees.

Daniel Adams – Usdaw National Officer says: “As the cost of living crisis has deepened, Usdaw has continued to engage with Tesco Bank on what can be done to support employees through this incredibly difficult time.  As a result, and following challenging yet constructive negotiations before Christmas, we were pleased to be able agree a £1,250 uplift to salaries ahead of the normal pay review in May.

“Not only is this a welcome step but, given this is a permanent increase rather than one off payment, it will also flow through into other elements of the reward package, including pensions and bonus. Furthermore, the approach demonstrates the value of employers working positively with trade unions.”

Notes for editors:

Usdaw (Union of Shop, Distributive and Allied Workers) is the UK's fifth biggest trade union with around 360,000 members. Most Usdaw members work in the retail sector, but the union also has many members in transport, distribution, food manufacturing, chemical industry and other trades.

Tesco Bank has been around since 1997 and today has more than 5 million customers. Staff serve customers through online and mobile banking and from three main centres in Edinburgh, Glasgow and Newcastle.

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