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Labour conference backs Usdaw's motion on the growing challenges in our economy: automation and skills

Retail and distribution trade union Usdaw has today successfully moved a motion at Labour’s annual conference in Liverpool to tackle the issues workers face with the introduction of new technology and automation of workplaces.

26 September 2022

0 min read

The motion was passed on a show of hands and calls on Labour to support the following changes to ensure that workers are supported at the heart of technology changes at work:

  • Employers required to consult, including Equality Impact Assessments.
  • Significant and long-term investment in skills funding.
  • An independent National Skills Taskforce.
  • Fundamental overhaul of the Apprenticeship Levy.
  • Legal right to paid time off for retraining.
  • Collective rights strengthened and trade union recognition thresholds reduced.
  • Strengthening protection against redundancy.

Moving the motion, Paddy Lillis – Usdaw General Secretary said: “Technology has always brought about change at work, but the scale and pace of that change over the last few years is unprecedented. Workers in retail and distribution have seen a huge transformation in their jobs. It's no surprise then, that one-in-five of our members are extremely concerned about their job security over the next five years. Workers are facing a lack of job security, a lack of confidence in using the tools for the job and a lack of voice in decisions about their own employment.

“The UK's employment rights framework is far too weak to support workers through these changes and it's only going to get weaker under this Tory Government. We know that Labour is the party of workers, Labour will always be the party of workers and a Labour Government will create an employment rights framework that is fit for the future world of work.

“That framework must include stronger trade union rights and it must include a right to consultation on new technology in the workplace. A new right, a groundbreaking right, but a right that is based on a very long standing principle; workers deserve to have a say in the decisions that affect them in their job and we must address the unequal impact of new technology and automation. Employers must undertake equality impact assessments and act upon the findings.

“Workers are not only being kept out of decisions that affect them, they are also being abandoned without the reskilling and retraining they need. Last year, the Tories needlessly scrapped the Union Learning Fund in England. A spiteful attack on trade unions and a slap in the face to workers at such a critical time.

“It's time for real investment in skills and training. It's time to stop reacting to changes in technology and start planning for them. It's time for a Labour Government, working with unions, to shape the future of work around workers. That must be our ambition.

“But right now, the grim reality is that we stand on the cliff edge of recession. In a precarious labour market where it's simply too easy and too cheap to cut jobs. It's absolutely crucial that we strengthen redundancy rights – with proper consultation, retraining and higher redundancy pay.

“This isn't just about protecting jobs. It's about creating a new deal for working people. A deal that strengthens trade union rights; a deal that delivers comprehensive skills training; a deal that offers high quality and well paid secure employment. So that workers can not only adapt to technological change, but actually benefit from the future of work.”

Notes for editors:

Usdaw (Union of Shop, Distributive and Allied Workers) is the UK's fifth biggest trade union with around 360,000 members. Most Usdaw members work in the retail sector, but the union also has many members in transport, distribution, food manufacturing, chemical industry and other trades.

Usdaw's Manifesto on Automation and Technology:

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