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Why we run our campaigns


Cost of Living - A huge number of members say they feel worse off now than they did 12 months ago


Not All Disability is Visible - 1 in 5 people have a disability, but most can't be seen


Freedom From Fear - Most shopworkers say they've experienced abuse in the past year

Latest campaigns

Thanks to your support we are continuing to make a difference

Safe Journeys to Work

Many people can face problems on their journey to and from work

Christmas is Not Working

Shopworkers deserve a proper break over the festive period

New Year's Day Working in Scotland

Usdaw is campaigning for all large shops in Scotland to close on New Year’s Day

Save Our Shops

Usdaw is campaigning for the Government to take urgent action to 'Save Our Shops'

Together Against Hate

The aim of the campaign is to raise awareness of hate crime and the harm it does to members and their families

Supporting Parents and Carers

Stand up for carers - Raising awareness of the rights carers have at work

Pensions Awareness

Our aim is to get members talking about pensions and making plans for their retirement, even if that is many years ahead

Sexual Harassment ...'Call It Out'

Usdaw believes everyone has the right to work in a safe and supportive environment

Keep Sunday Special

Support the Keep Sunday Special campaign and oppose the changes to existing Sunday trading laws

Wear Red Day

On Friday 18 October, Usdaw is once again joining forces with the anti-racism football charity 'Show Racism the Red Card' to support 'Wear Red Day'

Campaigns We Support