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Save Our Shops

Save our Shops

Usdaw is campaigning for the Government to take urgent action to 'Save Our Shops'

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About the campaign

In recent years, hundreds of thousands of jobs have been lost in retail; the previous Government did little to tackle the crisis on the high street and in our local communities.

How to support the campaign

Join the call from shopworkers for urgent Government action, to protect retail jobs and the high streets at the heart of our communities.

Sign the petition to call on the Government to adopt an industrial strategy for the Retail Sector.

Key campaign aims

Usdaw is calling for action to breathe life back into the high street. We are calling for:

  • Economic measures to create a more level playing field between the hgh street and online retailing.
  • Fair pay and job security for retail workers - a minimum wage of £12 per hour, tackle zero-hours and short-hours contracts, investment in skills and training.
  • Government action to protect jobs in the retail sector. Retail jobs are real jobs – retail is a key part of the economy providing jobs and income for millions of families.

View our leaflet

Launch of Usdaw’s industrial strategy for retail

We launched our Industrial strategy for retail on 5 June 2019.

Save Our Shops

"The scale of the challenge the retail industry faces is huge. With very high numbers of job losses and store closures that are scarring our high streets and communities, there are substantial issues that need to be addressed.


"Labour in government will deliver the much-needed and long overdue help the retail industry needs, with action on business rates and support for our struggling high streets."


Paddy Lillis, Usdaw General Secretary

13 June 2024

"Over the Summer of 2020, redundancies were made by conference call, with no meaningful consultation. This area of law requires review because it is riddled with injustices for both workers and taxpayers as liability to pay the protective awards when companies are in administration falls to the Government’s insolvency fund."


Paddy Lillis, Usdaw General Secretary on Debenhams workers' long wait for justice

31 August 2023

"Cases like this highlight the flaws in the UK’s employment rights framework, which offers far too little protection to workers, both individually and collectively.


"It’s high time that redundancy rights were strengthened to give workers more security and better support."


Paddy Lillis, Usdaw General Secretary

31 August 2023


Save Our Shops - We Need An Industrial Strategy For Retail

06 September 2019


Save Our Shops Leaflet

15 February 2019


Usdaw's Case for a Retail Recovery Plan

A crisis in retail

We're calling for an urgent retail recovery plan that addresses both the immediate and urgent priorities.