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Lifelong learning

Usdaw has been helping members with getting back to a form of learning since 1998

12 April 2022

0 min read

About Lifelong Learning

Over 74,000 Usdaw members have returned to a form of learning since the launch of Usdaw’s Lifelong Learning campaign in 1998. Members can benefit from a vast array of online, distance and workplace-based learning opportunities on subjects from English, Maths, and IT to sign language and photography.

Learning is a great way to boost your confidence and skills, and is proven to lift your confidence and morale at work. Usdaw has agreements to provide learning centres at many major companies including Tesco, Sainsbury’s, Morrisons, Wincanton, DHL, Next, CRL, McVities and Unilever.

Whatever you’re interested in, there’s never been a better time to get back into learning with Usdaw.

How this helps you

Through Lifelong Learning, we are opening doors for members who want to increase their skills and knowledge and improve their career prospects by offering on-site courses in conjunction with companies, local colleges and other course providers.

Thousands of members have returned to learning to study basic maths and English, IT, and introductory language classes. Courses in sign language, digital photography and others have proved popular too.

How to get back into learning

There are several ways that members can get back into learning with Usdaw. 

  • Visit our Online Learning Gateway - our Online Learning Gateway helps you to find the right option and course for you.
  • Study for a degree with the Open University - The Open University (OU) offers all adults, and particularly those who have very few previous academic qualifications, a unique opportunity to study without leaving home or employment.
  • Try our bitesize courses - we have a number of short bitesize learning opportunities to pick from, to help your Maths, English, ICT and other skills and knowledge.
  • Follow us on Facebook and X for all the latest courses and training tips.


Want To Know More? (Leaflet 390)

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Training for Members - The Open University (Leaflet 367)

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The Usdaw Home Study (Leaflet 130)

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Wranx Learning

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Learning Through the Usdaw Gateway

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Getting on with Maths and English (LLL RS3)

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Lifelong Learning with Usdaw (LLL RS1)

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Become a Learning Rep

Union Learning Reps are a type of Trade Union Activist that have legal rights similar to those of other Union Reps. They work through the Union to help members get access to learning opportunities and enable them to brush up or learn new skills.

Usdaw has over 770 Union Learning Reps. Every year they help over 15,000 members get back into learning. You can too.