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Who can join Usdaw?

Usdaw provides advice and representation to workers in many different workplaces.

Usdaw is here to help you whatever your job and no matter whether you are employed on a full-time, part-time or casual basis.

We have many members in:

  • All major retailers
  • Road transport
  • Warehouses and distribution
  • Food manufacturing
  • Dairies
  • Pharmaceuticals
  • Home shopping
  • Plus a range of other industries

We understand the challenges faced by workers and we want workers to get a fairer deal in pay and conditions. To achieve improvements, we need you and your colleagues to join the Union.

We are one of the biggest and the fastest growing trade unions with over 360,000 members. More and more workers are joining Usdaw.

Join Usdaw today!


Join Usdaw Today (Leaflet 299)

11 June 2024

PDF eBook

Join Sata Today (Leaflet 137)

28 June 2024


Usdaw - The Trade Union for Ikea Retail Workers

14 May 2015


Agency Workers A5 (Leaflet 407)

23 May 2023


Usdaw the Trade Union for Professional Drivers (Leaflet 289)

19 March 2024