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Supporting Parents and Carers Spotlight Day

Date: 26 June 2024 Location: National

Every year Usdaw organises a campaign day to support members who are parents and carers.

This year, on Wednesday 26 June, we are putting the focus on carers. 

Significant numbers of our members are balancing their jobs with unpaid care and whilst this can be a very rewarding experience it can also be hugely demanding. Carers simply don’t get the recognition or support they need and deserve.

Caring often comes with additional costs that can have a significant impact on carers’ finances and many carers experience financial hardship as a direct result of the care they provide.

And yet the vital unpaid work that carers carry out has been valued at £530 million every day, helping both the NHS and the social care system from being overwhelmed and holding families together.

It is not acceptable that so many unpaid carers are experiencing financial difficulties and it is time that unpaid carers were properly valued and supported. This is why our theme for our campaign this year is Stand Up For Carers. 

Every year hundreds of reps get involved on Spotlight Day. If you would like to support Spotlight Day this year, you can do as much or as little as you like. You could set up a campaign stand in the canteen, a staff area or on the shop floor. Usdaw will send you everything you need to help you have a successful campaign.

You could:

  • Give out leaflets to members explaining how Usdaw can help them.
  • Put a poster on your workplace noticeboard.
  • Talk to members about the Union's campaign.
  • Ask members to take the survey.

To find out more about the campaign visit www.usdaw.org.uk/spc. If you’re new to campaigning read our briefing and if you’d like to order materials you can do this online.


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